Blogging and scrapping in random all of my fondest memories.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Boys of Summer

Thanks to these explosively colorful bragbook freebies from Traci Reed, I was able to make this special summer album for my loved ones. Except for my husband, summer in USA is a first for me and our two boys. Sunny days here in California are really hot, hot, hot though not as uncomfortably hot as in the Philippines. I would say that our summer has been a pretty eventful one. We got to go to Seattle, Oregon, and San Francisco to celebrate with my mother-in-law her week-long 80th birthday bonanza. It was pretty exciting for me as I got to marvel at the uniqueness of each place I was in. Eagan was just thrilled to meet his grandma, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Going to Huntington Beach and The Orange County Fair was a huge treat for us too as we really got into the feel of how summer is really like here in America. What a cool summer!

Credits: Boys of Summer bragbooks by Traci Reeds; Pimp Your Scrapbook wordart; KSTEW Summer Gingers wordart by Bon

Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Anniversary To Us!

Has it really been 3 years already --- being married to my best friend, my soul mate, my immortal love! The years just passed by so fast with us settling down, having Eagan, then moving to America and having Aaron. Time would just breeze by without us noticing it as we become focused on our two bubbly boys and as we face the everyday struggles of settling in a foreign land. I have to admit I miss the days when Edison and I would go out on a date and walk side by side holding hands without a care in the world --- watching a movie or just spending time in a cafe. But don't get me wrong as I am not complaining. Being with our two boys right now is a different kind of experience and adventure. They are the extension of our love for each other, and not to spend each and every day with them just makes me feel so incomplete.  Thank you, my love, for the colorful and wonderful 3 years!

Credits: Marriage QP by 2 Twisted Sisters