Blogging and scrapping in random all of my fondest memories.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Home Hair Color Newbie

I have always had my hair colored in a salon, so with this BzzAgent campaign with Garnier Olia, I have to admit the end-result was not quite what I had expected. I was not quite satisfied with the outcome. You can see some of my white hairs still sticking out. But that was the only unsatisfactory part. The dark brown color was just perfect - if only I was able to adequately cover the entire hair area. The scent and texture afterwards was just awesome. I will definitely use Garnier Olia again, and this time I will make sure to do it right. Practice makes perfect!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Garnier Skin Care Journey: Skin Renew Dark Spot Overnight Peel

DAY 2: This shows my skin with the natural blush amidst the hideous freckles. My face has lost the dryness and appears quite moist and supple.

DAY 16: Still with the blush and hydrated skin. Now the freckles appear to have turned lighter brown. I may be imagining this, but some appear faded already. Awesomeness!

DAY 30: Wow! More improvement going on here. Lost most of the ugly freckles. Thank you Garnier!